Manage Asset Policies

Managing asset policies will allow you to determine defaults for different asset types configured in the system. You will be able to manage:

  • Replacement costs
  • Lifespans and warning periods for:
    • End of Life (EOL)
    • Warranty expiration dates
  • Exclude asset types from requiring EOL or warranty expiration dates (this helps in having an accurate data quality score)


To access the Asset Type Policies tab, click on Account Settings under Administration.

screengrab of left navigation menu with account settings selected

screengrab of Account Settings menu with Asset Type Policies selected


Default values for replacement cost, lifespan, approaching EOL time period and approaching warranty time period are initially set. You can choose any of the asset types in the left hand column to adjust.



A modal will appear where you can edit the values and click OK.


screengrab of asset type modal - change defaults here


This will change the default settings across all of your companies. If you want to change defaults for a single company, choose the Company Settings tab.

Then choose the company name from the company picker at the top of the screen.




Now you can edit the default values for just that company and click OK to save. If you want to edit the value for a single asset, you will edit that from the asset list. See article on editing assets.


Once you have updated these settings, you will see it impact your data quality score immediately. When you click into the missing data tile for that company, those asset types won't display, but they will continue to show in the full asset list. We have also included a few visual reminders in case you need to update later. On the missing data tile, you will now see a lightbulb icon which displays which asset types are excluded. NOTE: You will not see this lightbulb if you do not have any exceptions.



When you click into one of the links on that tile that would have an impact, you will see the red reminder at the top. 



Once you've created these asset types, make sure to map them in Asset Mapping

We hope this helps! Please reach out to the support team at if you have any questions.