Lifecycle Insights now includes a section for all your linked PSA data as part of our vCIO services under MSP Reports.
Liked PSA Data is designed to give a birds-eye view of all new PSA data created and linked via LCI. This will give you insights into the PSA tickets linked to assets, assessments, recommendations, and business reviews. We have also added a section to show you all opportunities created in LCI and linked back to your PSA.
How to use the Linked PSA Data feature
From the navigation pane, select the vCIO module, and click the Linked PSA Data option under the MSP Reports section in the navigation menu.
Linked PSA Tickets
When you first click on "Linked PSA Data" you will be presented with two options "Linked PSA Tickets" or "Linked PSA Opportunities". Let's first explore the "Linked PSA Tickets" segment.
The Linked PSA Ticket section aims to give you insight into all tickets created in LCI that are linked to your PSAs. There are different ways to view the PSA ticket data.
By default, we start with the 'Asset PSA Tickets' view where you can see all tickets that are linked to a specific asset. This view shows all assets that have a PSA ticket linked to them, the ticket id, and all other asset-pertaining details like Make, Model, OS information, Serial Number, etc.
To view the ticket in your PSA or unlink it from the Aasset, you can click on the ticket id and select either of the options.
Note: To view the ticket in your PSA you must enable pop-ups in your browser setting.
You can also filter your PSA tickets based on companies as well. Any companies that do not have assets with PSA tickets will be greyed out. There is also a count for PSA tickets created under each company.
If you are looking for a specific asset, company, or PSA ticket id you can also use the search feature to find the specific data you are looking for.
You can toggle the view to 'Assessment PSA' Tickets and LCI will show you all assessment events with a PSA ticket linked to it.
Within this view, you can also open the Assessment event by simply clicking on the template. You will be able to view which category the PSA ticket is linked to as well.
If you want to view Business Reviews that have a PSA ticket attached you can switch to the 'Business Review PSA Tickets' view.
Within this view, you can also open the Business Review by simply clicking on the template. You will be able to view which category the PSA ticket is linked to as well. Furthermore, you can also view any linked reports or artifacts to the Business Review.
To view PSA tickets linked to Recommendations simply switch to Recommendation PSA Tickets view.
Here you can view all associated costs with your recommendation and also see the specific ticket linked to the recommendation.
Lastly, you can view all your PSA tickets that are created in LCI in one place. Simply select All PSA Tickets to view and we will show you all PSA tickets linked to Assets, Assessments, Business Reviews, and Recommendations. Make sure you expand each category to see all tickets under them,
Linked PSA Opportunites
When you first click on "Linked PSA Data" you will be presented with two options "Linked PSA Tickets" or "Linked PSA Opportunities". Let's explore the second "Linked PSA Opportunites" segment.
Note: To view the linked PSA Opportunities your PSA needs to support opportunities writeback.
You can view the Recommendation that has an opportunity linked to it and also sees other pertaining details like Opportunity ID, Location, Status, Tags, Priority, and all the Costs. To view the opportunity in your PSA or unlink it from the Recommendation it is tied to you can click on the opportunity id and select either of the option.