Setting up and finding companies is a key component to getting off to a start with Lifecycle Insights.
This document will show you how to setup and select companies based on their configuration level and your subscription level.
Please check the sections below for your setup instructions.
Finding Assessment Only Companies
If you have a vCIO subscription you can use the Integration and Company mapping instructions below to add Assessment only companies. However, you may need to add a prospective customer manually if they are not yet setup in your PSA.
Click here for instructions on Manually Adding a Company
Companies added for Assessment Only can be found by selecting the Assessment Only module using the module selection located at the top of the Navigation pane located on the left side of the screen.
Once you have switched over to the desired module, the assigned companies will show in the drop-down company selector located at the top of the screen.
Finding AIR Companies
Asset Insight Reporting companies are added via company mapping from your primary PSA Integration
Click here to find instructions for Company Mapping
Once you have switched over to the desired module, the assigned companies will show in the drop-down company selector located at the top of the screen.