Supplement IT Glue with Autotask

If you have decided to set your primary integration for Lifecycle Insights with IT Glue, you may choose to supplement your IT Glue data with Tickets, Contracts, and Opportunities from Autotask.  The following document walks you through how to do that.


Autotask Configuration

There is a simple set up in Autotask to allow for data to be pulled into Lifecycle Insights.  The following steps will walk you through this process.  The key events that will take place are:

  • Create an API user account
  • Setting up a Custom Security Level


Lifecycle Insights requires API credentials to connect to Autotask.   The following outlines the steps to define the API user.   You must have Admin rights in Autotask to perform these steps.

Once logged into Autotask, go to Admin, expand RESOURCES/USERS(HR) and select Resources/Users.  All of these options are in the Features & Settings tab.


Click the New button.


Once you click New, a new dialog window will appear.  There are a number of required fields that you must enter for the new user, including First Name, Last Name, Email address, etc.  These are Autotask requirements that must be completed.

Once you fill out the required fields in the General tab, click on the Security tab.   Fill out the fields in this order:

  1. Security Level – Select API User (system)
    1. You may create a custom security level by copying the API User (System) security level. See Setting up a Custom Security Level in next section.
  2. Username – Enter value (IE. lciapi)
  3. Password and Confirm Password– Enter unique, strong password
  4. API Tracking Identifier – Select Integration Vendor radio button, then select: Lifecycle Insights – Business…


Click Save.    There a number of other Autotask Required fields to fill out.   You will be prompted as to which ones.  Please fill them out and Save and Close when done.

Make sure you copy/write down the full username and password.   You will need this information when setting up integration in LCI.

Setting up a Custom Security Level

Autotask comes with a default security level for API accounts – called API User (System).  You will likely want to use a more restricted security level.  If this is the case, make a copy of the API User (System) security level, and make the appropriate modifications as noted below.

  1. Go to Autotask Admin page
  3. In the Security section, click on Security Levels
  4. Right click on API User (System) (API-only) and click Copy Security Level
  5. Name the security level (IE. LCI API User)
  6. Under Contracts
    • In the Object Permissions box, set View to All
    • In the Contract Visibility dropdown, set to Full



8. Under Admin– ensure only the following four items are checked:

  • Products & Services
  • Configuration Items
  • Sales & Opportunities
  • Resource/Users (HR) 

9. Under CRM

  • Set the values as outlined below (All highlighted values need to look the same everything else you can customize)
  • Opportunities is a new feature in LCI so ensure those are enabled if you would like to bring them over to LCI.

Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 1.36.45 PM.png


  • Set the values outlined below


11. After saving and closing, you can then associate this security level to the API user you created earlier.




Lifecycle Insights Configuration


Earlier, when configuring Autotask, you wrote down/stored 2 data points.  Specifically:

  • API Username
  • API Password

We will need to have access those 2 data points to set up the Autotask Data Integration in Lifecycle Insights.


1.  Log into Lifecycle Insights using the username and password you created in the previous section.  The login URL is: .


2.  Once logged in, notice the Left Navigation pane has an Integrations Option under Administration. Click on Integrations.   Next, look for the section labeled PSA Integration - Configure your PSA to integrate with LCI Contracts.


Integration menu


3.  Click on Autotask


4.  Next, fill in the form

  1. Check Pull Contracts from Datto Autotask
  2. Check Pull Tickets from Datto Autotask
  3. Enter/paste the API User Name exactly as you recorded it earlier
  4. Enter/paste the API Password exactly as you recorded it earlier


5. Click Test Settings.  You should see a message 'Connection Successful.'  If you do not, please email us.

6. Click Save Settings


7.  Click on the tab called Link Companies to IT GLUE



On this tab, you must match any of your active companies from IT Glue to companies from Autotask.  It is this company matching that allows LCI to understand how tickets from Autotask are associated with companies from IT Glue.



Alternatively, you can use the Auto-Mapping feature to match your companies.


To use the auto-mapping feature, click the "map companies" button.

The system will try to match any exact or near exact matching company names and match those accordingly.  




When the auto-mapping is complete the companies that were matched are highlighted as green rows in the table.



The system attempts to find the most exact match for each company.  Some companies with slight name differences may not auto-map.  Please review the mapping to ensure that all desired companies are matched.   A counter of auto-matched companies is provided at the top of the table listing.



Non-exact matches may not map with the auto-mapping feature.  For example, if the LCI company is listed as My Company, LLC, but the company is registered in the MS database as My Company may not auto-match.  Review your matches, you can use the drop-down selector to match the companies.


Click the Save Changes button at the top of the table to save your selections.