Connectwise Manage API Changes for Version 2020.4

With Connectwise Manage version 2020.4, Connectwise has introduced a change in their API permissions as it relates to setup tables.  Prior to version 2020.4, data in set up tables was available as long as you granted Inquire level access to the core entity (IE.  Configuration Types and Statuses would be available as long as you granted access to Configurations).  That is no longer the case with v2020.4.  The affected tables with LCI are as follows:


  • Contact Types
  • Configuration Types
  • Configuration Status
  • Company Status
  • Company Type


This change will most likely require a change to the Security Role you use for the Lifecycle Insights API key you have set up.   Please follow the instructions below to grant access to LCI at your earliest convenience.


Note: Even if you have not yet upgraded to Connectwise Manage version 2020.4, we strongly recommend you make this change so you do not run into any issues at any point in the future.


1. Log into CW Manage
2. Click on System / Security Roles
3. Find the security role for LCI (IE.  Lifecycle API or similar)
4. Expand System
5. For Table Setup, under Inquire Level, select All
6. ** We would recommend that you click on customize, and only Allow Access to the following entities:
     - Company / Company Status
     - Company / Company Type
     - Company / Configuration
     - Company / Configuration Status
     - Contacts / Contact Type

     - Service / Service Boards 

7.  Click the Save icon for the security group