Importing IT Glue Flexible Asset Types

LCI is pleased to announce initial support for IT Glue Flexible Asset Types in Early Adopter mode!



In LCI, you can now map Flexible Asset Types to either LCI Contracts or LCI Assets.  Once you have mapped the Flexible Asset Type to either an LCI Contract or LCI Asset, Flexible Asset Type data will be synced with LCI on a daily basis, or on-demand if initiated via Data Sync Manager.



Importing Flexible Asset Type data is currently only supported if you have selected IT Glue as your primary integration source.


How to Get Started / Set up Flexible Asset Type Mappings

To get started, you will need to set up the mapping of the Flexible Asset Type you want to import into LCI.  The following is a step-by-step guide to set up your mappings.


1.  Go to Administration  Integrations

2.  Click on the IT Glue tile

3.  You will now new tab called FLEXIBLE ASSET TYPES.  Click on the FLEXIBLE ASSET TYPES tab.



4.  You will see a row for each Flexible Asset Type (FAT) in your IT Glue instance (represented by the first column).  There are three columns in the displayed table.


  • The first column will represent the FAT Name
  • The second column will represent the mapping of the FAT to LCI Contracts
  • The third column will represent the mapping of the FAT to LCI Assets

Initially, you will have no mappings at all.  To add a mapping, you can click the + ADD MAPPING button.



Mapping a Flexible Asset Type to LCI Contracts

Using the example above, let's work thru an example of mapping the Flexible Asset Type of Licensing to LCI Contracts.   The goal is to import any Licensing FAT data as LCI Contracts.


To get started, click on the + ADD MAPPING button in the Contract Mapping to LCI column.



After clicking the + ADD MAPPING button, you will be prompted with a modal that will allow you to map the FAT fields to LCI Contract fields.



Here is some information and rules regarding the Mapping table columns:

Column Rules/Notes
LCI Field This corresponds to the LCI Field that you will map the FAT field to
Required? If checked, you MUST either choose either an ITG Flexible Asset Field, or specify a value in 'If Not Mapped or Provided, Set to...'
ITG Flexible Asset Type Field This is the FAT field that you will map to the corresponding LCI Field
If Not Mapped or Provided, Set To... This column is to assist you in case you don't have this data in IT Glue.  For example, for Status we are expecting a value of Active or Expired.  If you do not have this field in ITG FAT, you explicitly Not Map the column, but specify that if Not Mapped or Provided, set to Active
Comments Some comments regarding the type of data we are expecting


The next step is to specify your mappings, the example below demonstrates that.



Once you are done filling out the two columns highlighted above, click either SAVE AND CLOSE to go back to the FAT list, or SAVE to save your mapping and continue with this modal.


After you have saved your mapping, you will notice that the + ADD MAPPING data has been replaced with a MODIFY MAPPING button and a DELETE MAPPING button.


  • MODIFY MAPPING will allow you to modify your mappings
  • DELETE MAPPING will delete the mapping data.


Once you have set up your mapping - we will import the FAT data into LCI Contracts.  This will automatically occur during your next build.  Or you can initiate by syncing on demand via Data Sync Manager.


To initiate via Data Sync Manager (assuming your user account has access to Data Sync Manager), click on the Data Sync Manager icon to the right of your name:



Then expand your Sync on Demand options by clicking the down chevron (Green)




Finally, click on the Sync Now button for IT Glue Flexible Asset Types.



The Sync may take up to 10 minutes to complete.  You may check the status by clicking on the Refresh button in Data Sync Manager.


Upon a successful sync, a new button will appear on the FLEXIBLE ASSET TYPES page (may require you to refresh the page).  The button will allow you to delete any data imported for that Flexible Asset Type.



If you click the DELETE IMPORTED DATA button, we will delete any data imported into the platform.  You will be prompted with a confirmation prior to deletion.



Mapping a Flexible Asset Type to LCI Assets


Mapping Flexible Asset Type data to LCI Assets follows the exact same process as the steps listed above for mapping to LCI Contracts.  The only difference is the fields to be mapped.