Syncro Purchase and Warranty Expiration Dates

Adding Custom fields for Purchase Date and Warranty Exp Date

Syncro does not have designated asset fields for Purchase Date and Warranty Expiration date.  If you would like to capture this information and bring it over to LCI for your reporting... you can do that through the use of custom fields.  Here is how...


1. Click on Assets & RMM in your Syncro top menu bar


2. Click Actions / Manage Asset Types

3.  Determine what Asset Types you would like store Purchase Date and / or Warranty Expiration Date.  For each Asset Type do the following...


3a.  Click on Manage Fields

3b. Click on + New Fields

3c. Enter the Name and Field Type.   The Name must be exactly the following: Purchase Date or Warranty Expiration Date.   And the Field Type must be Date Field.

3d. Click on Create Asset field


Repeat this process for both fields.   Also, repeat for each asset type you want to store these fields.



Writing back Purchase / Warranty Expiration Dates to Syncro from LCI


Lifecycle Insights can be configured to look up Purchase Dates and/or Warranty Expiration dates from a number of vendors (Dell, Lenovo, HP, Microsoft Surface, Cisco Meraki, Cisco Smart Net).  These dates can be written back to the Syncro custom fields created above if you would like.  The following will guide you on how to configure both Syncro and LCI to support writebacks of Purchase and Warranty Expiration Dates


Syncro Set Up

First, you must ensure that you have created the custom fields exactly as outlined at the beginning of this document.


Next, you need to ensure that the API key LCI uses has the appropriate permissions to update the Asset in Syncro.  To do this, follow these steps:

1. Click on Admin, then scroll down on the left menu bar and at the bottom, you will see API Tokens.  Click on that.

2. Find the API token used for LCI and click on the Edit button

3. Click Show all permissions

4. Make sure Assets - Edit is checked

5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click Update API Token


When you are done with this process, the next time you click Edit for the LCI API token, your permissions should look like this.



Lifecycle Insights Set Up

In LCI, click on Integrations in the left Nav pane, then click on the Warranty Lookups tile.



Once in the Warranty Lookups page, near the bottom you will see a section that allows you select whether or not you want to write back Purchase Dates and/or Warranty Expiration dates to Syncro



Check the appropriate box/es.  Then click Save Settings


That's it.  When you are done with the set up, the next time your data sync's run, they will attempt to write back Purchase and/or Warranty Expiration date to Syncro.    It is important to note, that we will try to only update the two custom fields.  If those fields do not exist, then no update to the asset will occur.