Setting up Lifecycle Insights for IT Glue Data Integration
Total Estimated time: Less than 10 minutes
The purpose of this document is to instruct you how to configure both IT Glue and Lifecycle Insights so that data integration can occur between the two platforms. At this point, data only moves from IT Glue to Lifecycle Insights.
This document is broken down into two sections.
- IT Glue Configuration
- You will generate an API Key in IT Glue, and copy that key to be input into Lifecycle Insights.
- Lifecycle Insights Configuration
- You will enter the API Key into IT Glue Configuration panel in Lifecycle Insights
IT Glue Configuration
Estimated Time: <5 minutes="minutes"></5>
There is a simple set up in IT Glue to allow for data to be pulled into Lifecycle Insights. The following steps will walk you through this process. The key events that will take place are:
- Users with Administrator role can navigate to Account Settings.
- Click on API Keys tab, then under Custom API Keys, click the + sign to add a new custom API Key.
- Enter the name of the key (IE. Lifecycle Insights) and click Generate API Key.
- Copy the Key to your clipboard/text editor. You will not be able to view this key again, so please copy it while you have access to it.
- Keep Password Access unchecked.
Lifecycle Insights Configuration
Estimated time: <5 minutes="minutes"></5>
There are two data points you will need in order to configure IT Glue with Lifecycle Insights.
- API Key. You generated this and copied it when configuring IT Glue above.
- Base URL. If you are an IT Glue partner with an account in the EU data center, you will use htttps://; otherwise you will select
- Log into Lifecycle Insights using the username and password you created in the previous section. The login URL is: .
- Once logged in, notice the Left Navigation pane has an Integrations Option under Administration. Click on Integrations, and your main content pane will show the list of available integration sources. Choose IT Glue.
3. Next, please fill in the form
- Check IT Glue Integration Active
- Choose the Base URL. It will be, unless you are an IT Glue partner with an account in the EU data center. Then it will be: htttps://
- Enter/paste the API Key exactly as you recorded it earlier
4. Click Test Settings. You should see a message 'Connection Successful.' If you do not, please email us.
5. Click Save Settings. If this is the first time you are saving your credentials, and the IT Glue Integration Active box is checked… LCI will immediately launch into the initial sync process.
Note: Once the IT Glue configuration is set up, it can take up to 1 hour for the initial data sync. This delay only occurs on the initial sync. You should receive an email once the initial sync is complete.
Note about whitelisting IP Addresses:
If your IT Glue instance restricts API access based on IP Address - please click on the link below in the settings page to review the IP Addresses that should be whitelisted.