
Setting up Lifecycle Insights for Liongard Data Integration

The Liongard integration for Lifecycle Insights is intended to supplement data as currently provided by your PSA or IT Documentation tool.  At this time, we will support the following data sets from Liongard:

Liongard has since discontinued its support for Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), meaning that it no longer offers services, tools, or integrations specifically tailored for Azure AD within its platform.

  • Google Workspace / G-Suite
    • Users (including products licensed, last activity date and 2-Step Verification Status)
    • ChromeOS Devices
    • Mobile Devices
  • Microsoft 365
    • Users (including products licensed and last activity date)
    • License Summary by Company (Microsoft 365 Summary Report)
  • KnowBe4
    • Users (including Risk Score as well as Phish Prone Percentage)

Please check back frequently as we intend on adding to this list!

Liongard Configuration

Estimated Time: 10 minutes

You will first need to configure an integration for LCI within Liongard.   The following outlines the steps to set up the integration.  When complete, you will have a number of attributes associated with the configuration that will then be needed to input into LCI (next step).   In order to proceed, you must have Administrative access to Liongard.

  1. Log into Liongard with Administrative Access
  2. Under your name, click on Account Settings
  3. In the left Nav Pane, click on Access Tokens, then click Generate New Token
  4. You will be prompted with your secret key and token.  Copy these and save them as you will need them later.

    Next, we will set up the Metrics that LCI will use to pull the data.  You only need to set up the metrics that you will use - but it is very important that you use the exact values as specified in this document.

  5. In the left nav pane, click on My Liongard Instance.
    1. Copy the URL—you will need to enter this later. Note that you will need to prepend https:// to the API URL later.
  6. Click on Admin, then Metrics.


Repeat the following steps for each Metric you want to set up:


Metric: G-Suite Users

6a. Click Add Metric

6b.  Inspector - Google Workspace

6c.  Name - LCI Google Workspace - Users 

6d.  Data Print Query - Users[*].{first_name: name.givenName, last_name: name.familyName, email: primaryEmail,products: assignedLicenses_m[*].skuName, mfa_registration_status: isEnforcedIn2Sv_m, last_activity_date:null} 

5e. Click Save


Metric: G-Suite ChomeOsDevices

6a. Click Add Metric

6b.  Inspector - Google Workspace 

6c.  Name - LCI Google Workspace - ChromeOS Devices  

6d.  Data Print Query - ChromeOSDevices[*].{asset_key:deviceId,status:status,name:null,vendor:null,serial:serialNumber,model:model,tag_number:null,purchase_date:manufactureDate,warranty_expiration_date:null,os:osVersion,cpu:null,ram:systemRamTotal,last_sync:lastSync,last_login_user:annotatedUser,contact:null,device_eol: autoUpdateExpiration_m}  

6e. Click Save


Metric: G-Suite Mobile Devices

6a. Click Add Metric

6b.  Inspector - Google Workspace 

6c.  Name - LCI Google Workspace - Mobile Devices 

6d.  Data Print Query - MobileDevices[*].{asset_key:deviceId,status:status,name:null,vendor:manufacturer,serial:serialNumber,model:model,tag_number:null,purchase_date:null,warranty_expiration_date:null,os:os,cpu:null,ram:null,last_sync:lastSync,last_login_user:name[0],contact:null}  

6e. Click Save


Metric: Microsoft 365 Users

6a. Click Add Metric

6b.  Inspector - Microsoft 365 

6c.  Name - LCI M365 - Users 

6d.  Data Print Query - Users[?accountEnabled].{first_name: givenName, last_name: surname, email: userPrincipalName,products: Assigned_Products, mfa_registration_status: null, last_activity_date: Last_Activity_Date}  

6e. Click Save


Metric: Microsoft 365 License Summary

6a. Click Add Metric

6b.  Inspector - Microsoft 365 

6c.  Name - LCI MS365 - License Summary 

6d.  Data Print Query - Licensing[*].{sku_id: skuId, sku_part_number: skuPartNumber,applies_to: appliesTo,capability_status:capabilityStatus,consumed_units:consumedUnits,number_enabled:prepaidUnits.enabled,number_suspended:prepaidUnits.suspended,number_warning:prepaidUnits.warning}

6e. Click Save


Metric: KnowBe4 Users including Risk Score and Phish Prone Pct

6a. Click Add Metric

6b.  Inspector - KnowBe4 

6c.  Name - LCI KnowBe4 - Users  

6d.  Data Print Query - Users[*].{first_name: first_name, last_name: last_name, email: email,products: null, mfa_registration_status: null,last_activity_date:null,risk_score:current_risk_score,phish_prone_pct:phish_prone_percentage} 

6e. Click Save


You are ready to configure LCI!


Lifecycle Insights Configuration


Estimated time: 10 minutes

  1. Log into Lifecycle Insights.  The login URL is:
  2. Once logged in, notice the Left Navigation pane has an Integrations Option under Administration.
  3. Click on Integrations, and your main content pane will show the list of available integration sources.  Choose Liongard.
  4. Next, please fill in the form:
    1. Select Check Integration Active  
    2. Enter the API URL from Liongard Configuration step #4.  You will need to ensure that the URL is prefixed with https://.  So if you copied the value of - please enter
    3. Enter the Access Key exactly as you recorded it earlier.
    4. Enter the Secret Key exactly as you recorded it earlier.
  5. Click Test Settings. If you get an error... please make sure all values are correct. If you are stuck, please submit a support request through
  6. Click Save Settings. At this point, if your settings are correct, you should get a message indicating that you need to map your companies.
  7. Click on the Company Match tab.

  8. Map the Liongard Environment Name to its corresponding Company. Rinse and repeat for all of your clients that you want to bring data from Liongard into LCI for. As an alternative, you can use the Auto-Mapping feature to match your companies.
  9. Click back on the API CREDENTIALS AND SETUP tab
  10. At this point, you will see a list of datasets that are available to you.
  11. Select the datasets from Liongard that you want to bring into LCI. Note that if you select any dataset that includes devices, you must select a Default Asset Type prior to enabling the dataset.
  12. At this point, syncs will occur automatically each night. If you want to perform an on-demand sync, you can click the Sync Now! button in the Settings tab.

    A delete imported data button is available to remove specific Liongard data after it has been synced into LCI. You may wish to remove specific data components from LCI after importing due to the creation of duplicate records.

    Click the Delete button available for the specified dataset. The system will remove the integration records. Please set the dataset as inactive after deleting, so as to avoid re-importing the data on the next sync with Liongard.

  13. Finally, you can click the Log tab to check the status of your syncs.

Use the Auto-Mapping Feature to Match Your Companies

To use the auto-mapping feature, click the Auto Map Companies button. The system will try to match any exact or near-exact company names and match those accordingly.


When the auto-mapping is complete the companies that were matched are highlighted as green rows in the table.


The system attempts to find the most exact match for each company. Some companies with slight name differences may not auto-map. Please review the mapping to ensure that all desired companies are matched. A counter of auto-matched companies is provided at the top of the table listing.


Non-exact matches may not map with the auto-mapping feature. For example, if the LCI company is listed as My Company, LLC, but the company is registered in the MS database as My Company may not auto-match. Review your matches, you can use the drop-down selector to match the companies.

Click the Save Automap button at the top of the table to save your selections.

If you would like to remap the companies, click the Refresh Companies button before saving. This allows you to remap your companies.