The following table outlines how we map LCI Asset Fields to our support integrations. Specifically, we outline mappings for Connectwise Manage, Autotask, IT Glue, Syncro, and Halo.
Notes that apply to the mapping tables below:
- When multiple fields are listed, we attempt to map the first field listed. If that does not exist, we then attempt to map to the next field listed, and so on...
- The source mappings are identified by API field name unless preceded by an asterisk (*). If the source field is preceded by an asterisk, then the source mapping is identified by the UI field
- We are currently using the Autotask SOAP API. Any API field names listed refer to that API (Not the REST-based API)
Important -
In order for any specific data field to come over to LCI, it must actually exist as data in one of the sources below (and not simply be a link to an RMM or similar from that source). To persist the data in your source, there are generally mapping instructions from RMM to your PSA or IT Documentation system. It is common for some PSAs/IT Documentation Systems to have the mappings automatically set up for certain integrations, but at times you are required to perform the actual mapping.
Connectwise Manage
LCI Field
Connectwise Manage API
Device Name | name |
Asset Status | status |
Last User (RMM) | lastLoginName |
Asset User | contact/id |
Location | site/id |
Asset Type | type |
Make/Vendor | manufacturer |
Model Number | modelNumber |
Serial Number | serialNumber tagNumber |
Operating System | osType |
OS Info | osInfo |
Purchase Date | purchaseDate |
Warranty Expiration Date | warrantyExpirationDate |
RAM | ram |
IP Address | ipAddress |
Comments | |
Tag Number | tagNumber |
CPU | cpuspeed |
RMM Last Seen/Sync | If your RMM is loading this data to a custom field, or Configuration Question - we can load this data with a custom mapping. Please reach out to support! |
Override Settings
We have several settings that can be implemented by our support team that will override the default mappings as they are documented above. The following lists those override settings.
Connectwise Manage - Operating System
The default behavior is for us to load API field osType to LCI Operating System. We can modify this setting to load the Operating System data from the API field osInfo.
Connectwise Manage - RMM Last Seen/Sync'd
By default, this field is not available for syncing from ConnectWise. Besides the option to load this field from a custom field or question, we can load the LCI 'RMM Last Seen/Syncd' date from one of two CW Manage fields: Last Backup Date or Last Modified Date.
Connectwise Manage - RAM
The default CW Manage field, RAM can be loaded into your PSA in several formats depending on the RMM tools used. We can convert RAM settings to GB from Bytes or MB. Please contact our support team if you need to change the setting for the RAM field.
Connectwise Manage - Notes
By default, the comments field is not available in Connectwise Manage. We can sync CW Configuration notes to LCI Comments. Note: if you choose to sync notes from CW Manage about the configuration, it will overwrite any notes you enter in LCI for the asset.
Connectwise Manage - Serial Number
By default, LCI loads only the serial number field from Connectwise Manage. We can also load the CW Tag Number as a Serial Number if the Serial Number Does not Exist in CW Manage. Our support team can help you with this setting.
Connectwise Manage - Purchase Date
Adjustments to the Purchase Date data can be made if a purchase date field does not exist in your CW Manage instance. We can load the Installation Date to the Purchase Date if No Purchase Date exists in CW Manage.
If you would like for us to change the default behavior for Connectwise Manage data mapping, please open a ticket with support.
LCI Field
Autotask API (SOAP)
Device Name |
Asset Status | *Status |
Last User (RMM) |
Asset User | Contact |
Location | *Location |
Asset Type |
Make/Vendor |
Model Number |
Serial Number |
Operating System |
OS Info | |
Purchase Date | AT does not have a field for this. Have requested this from Datto |
Warranty Expiration Date | *Warranty Expiration Date |
IP Address |
Comments | *Description |
Tag Number | *Reference Number |
CPU | RMMDeviceProcessorId |
RMM Last Seen/Sync | DattoLastCheckInDateTime |
Override Settings
We have several settings that can be implemented by our support team that will override the default mappings as they are documented above. The following lists those override settings.
Autotask - Operating System
The default behavior is for us to load the API field UDF/OS or the RMM OS value to LCI Operating System. We have seen some AT implementations where the RMM is feeding the Operating System value into the Autotask Description field. As such, we have an override setting that allows for mapping the API Description field to LCI Operating System
If you would like for us to change the default behavior for Autotask - Operating System mapping, please open a ticket with support.
Autotask - Purchase Date
Autotask does not currently have Purchase Date as an out-of-the-box field available. Some of our partners are using the Installation date as the Purchase Date. By default, we do not load Installation Date as the Purchase Date b/c it typically represents the date the RMM agent was installed on the asset.
If you would like for us to change the default behavior for Autotask - Purchase Date mapping, please open a ticket with support.
Autotask - Asset Type
The default behavior is for us to load Configuration Item Type or Configuration Item Category to LCI Asset Type. Some of our partners have their AT set up in such a way where the Product Name is configured as Asset Type. As such, we have an override setting that allows for mapping the API Product Name to LCI Asset Type
If you would like for us to change the default behavior for Autotask - Asset Type mapping, please open a ticket with support.
Autotask - Model Number
LCI looks at a number of fields to try and pull Model Information. We have run into a circumstance of a partner that has a Continuum/Autotask setup where Model information is loaded into the Product Name. We will not load this by default, but if your Autotask setup is like this, we can accommodate
If you would like for us to change the default behavior for Autotask - Model Number mapping, please open a ticket with support.
Autotask - Parent Accounts
Assets by default, are associated with a single Autotask Account (LCI Company). We understand that Autotask supports Account hierarchies and we have had partners request that the parent account be available as an LCI Company so they can view all assets of the child accounts/companies in a single view.
We have an override setting that will allow you to select a parent account as an LCI Company. Note that if you enable this option, and select the parent account as an active company in LCI... this will count against your subscription company count.
If you would like for us to change the default behavior of our Autotask integration... and support parent account hierarchies, please open a ticket with LCI support.
IT Glue
Device Name | attributes/name |
Asset Status | attributes/configuration-status-id |
Last User (RMM) |
rmm-records/attributes/last-login-user |
Asset User | attributes/contact-id |
Location | attributes/location-id |
Asset Type | attributes/configuration-type-id |
Make/Vendor |
Model Number |
Serial Number |
Operating System |
OS Info | |
Purchase Date | attributes/purchased-at |
Warranty Expiration Date | attributes/warranty-expires-at |
RAM | rmm-records/attributes/memory-total |
IP Address |
Comments | |
Tag Number | attributes/asset-tag |
CPU | rmm-records/attributes/cpu |
RMM Last Seen/Sync | rmm-records/attributes/last-seen-online |
** Note, effective 2021-04-21 -- LCI is now reading the archived attribute (introduced by IT Glue in late 2020). If an asset is archived in IT Glue, it will no longer show in LCI.
Override Settings
We have several settings that can be implemented by our support team that will override the default mappings as they are documented above. The following lists those override settings.
Ignore Orphaned Assets
By default, we import assets marked as orphaned by IT Glue. If you want LCI to hide assets marked as orphaned, you can request it from the support team.
Ignore Orphaned Contacts
By default, we import contacts marked as orphaned by IT Glue. If you want LCI to hide contacts marked as orphaned, you can request it from the support team.
Number of Days Since RMM Update
The default setting for any RMM data to by synced by LCI is 30 days or less. This means we will ignore any RMM field data pulled from IT Glue if the date in this field is 30 or more days prior to today's date. We can override this setting to 120 days, 365 days, or 720 days. You can request this change from our support team.
RAM Field Settings
The default IT Glue field, RAM can be loaded into your PSA in several formats depending on the RMM tools used. We can convert RAM settings to GB from Bytes or MB. Please contact our support team if you need to change the setting for the RAM field.
Purchase Date
The default setting for this field is attributes/purchased-at. However, this field may not be available or populated. Some of our partners are using the Installation date as the Purchase Date. By default, we do not load Installation Date as the Purchase Date b/c it typically represents the date the RMM agent was installed on the asset. We can map the Purchase Date field to
Installation Date, Bios Release Date as an alternative. Our support team can modify this setting upon request.
Device Name
This field can be modified to ignore any domain names or extensions when syncing with IT Glue. Please contact our support team if you need to change the setting for the Device Name field.
LCI Field
Syncro API Mapping
Device Name | name |
Asset Status | Always set to Active |
Last User (RMM) | properties/kabuto_information/last_user |
Asset User | |
Location | properties/address/name |
Asset Type |
Make/Vendor |
Model Number |
Serial Number | asset_serial |
Operating System | properties/os/name |
OS Info | |
Purchase Date | Purchase Date ** Custom Field format mm-dd-yyyy |
Warranty Expiration Date | Warranty Expiration Date * Custom field format mm-dd-yyyy |
RAM | properties/kabuto_information/ram_gb |
IP Address | properties/kabuto_information/general/ip |
Comments | ** See override settings below |
Tag Number | |
CPU | properties/cpu_name |
RMM Last Seen/Sync | properties/kabuto_information/last_synced_at |
Override Settings
We have several settings that can be implemented by our support team that will override the default mappings as they are documented above. The following lists those override settings:
Syncro Asset Notes
By default, the Notes data from Syncro is not loaded into the LCI Asset/comments field. If you would like for us to change the default behavior and load the Notes data from Syncro in the LCI Asset/comments field, please open a ticket with support.
Syncro Purchase Date
This field is not available by default in Syncro. We can map to a custom field created in Syncro, or we can override the setting to map this data to the Bios Release Date field in Syncro.
LCI Field
Halo API Mapping
Device Name |
Asset Status | status_id |
Last User (RMM) |
Asset User | **We have requested that this field be included in their base /Asset endpoint (without includedetails option). Until this happens, we will not load this data from Halo |
Location | site_id |
Asset Type |
assettype_name |
Make/Vendor |
** At the time we wrote this, Halo does not have a system field for Vendor. We will load this however if you create a custom asset field and call it either manufacturer or vendor |
Model Number |
Serial Number | serial number |
Operating System |
OS Info | |
Purchase Date | date purchased |
Warranty Expiration Date |
RAM | ram memory |
IP Address | ip address |
Comments | |
Tag Number | inventory_number |
CPU | processor |
Override Settings
We have several settings that can be implemented by our support team that will override the default mappings as they are documented above. The following lists those override settings:
RAM Field Settings
The default Hudu field, RAM can be loaded into your PSA in several formats depending on the RMM tools used. We can convert RAM settings to GB from Bytes or MB. Please contact our support team if you need to change the setting for the RAM field.
Hudu Purchase Date
Adjustments to the Purchase Date data can be made if a purchase date field does not exist in your Hudu instance. We can load the Installation Date to the Purchase Date if No Purchase Date exists in Hudu.