SmileBack Integration

Integrate your SmileBack CSAT data with LCI to deliver more a dynamic QBRs to your client.

Show the level of excellent service you are delivering to your clients based on their own feedback.


In order to complete the integration you will need to have the correct account administrator permissions within SmileBack.  


From the vCIO navigation menu, select Integrations.




In the Supplemental Data section of the Integrations menu, click the SmileBack tile.



Click the enable SmileBack integration button located.


The system will redirect you to the SmileBack website.  

Click Yes on the Authorize Lifecycle Insights tile 



The system will record the authorization and redirect you back to the Lifecycle Insights integration page. 

The initial sync will begin to setup the SmileBack connection.  This initial sync can take a few minutes to complete.


The page will refresh when the initial sync is completed. 

Click the test data button to perform the preliminary data exchange to complete the secure connection for the integration. 


Select the Company Match tab at the top of the integration window.  Hit the 'Refresh Companies from SmileBack' button if the list of companies is empty.



You will need to match the SmileBack company name with the LCI company name.  

Use the drop-down select to choose the LCI company to match to the SmileBack company listed.

Alternatively, you can use the Auto-Mapping feature to match your companies.


To use the auto-mapping feature, click the map companies button.

The system will try to match any exact or near exact matching company names and match those accordingly.  




When the auto-mapping is complete the companies that were matched are highlighted as green rows in the table.





The system attempts to find the most exact match for each company.  Some companies with slight name differences may not auto-map.  Please review the mapping to ensure that all desired companies are matched.   A counter of auto-matched companies is provided at the top of the table listing.


Click the Save Automap button at the top of the table to save your selections.  

If you would like to remap the companies, click the Refresh Companies button before saving. 

This will allow you to remap your companies.