Overview of Augmentt related reports in LCI
Lifecycle Insights is pleased to announce Early Adopter support Augmentt Discover integration. With Augmentt Discover, MSPs can audit SaaS software activity across their customers and maintain an inventory of applications in use. Now, with a click of button, you can bring the Augmentt Discover data into LCI and incorporate this valuable data into your Business Reviews!
Once the Augmentt integration is set up (Instructions for Setting up your Augmentt Integration can be found at the bottom of this article), your Augmentt data can be found in three places within the LCI platform. First, like many other integrations, you can determine if any particular user has Augmentt related data by generating the User List report.
If the user has any Augmentt related data in LCI, the Augmentt column will be populated with a green check mark in the User List. Alternatively, you can quickly identify any users that have not yet integrated with Augmentt by searching for users with a red empty box.
Next, a complete Augmentt Discover report is available in More Reports click on the Augmentt Tile.
By default, we will show the App Summary view. The App Summary View display Application usage data with aggregated counts.
Alternatively, you can change the view to User Detail by toggling the selector at the top left of the report.
The User Detail View will show Application Usage data aggregated by User and Application as shown below.
It is important to note, that at this time... we can only provide the last 30 days of Usage data as provided to LCI from Augmentt. You should always take note of this date by looking at the top right corner of the report.
Finally, your Augmentt Discover data will be available in Report Builder as a component to be added to any existing or new templates.
Setting up Your Augmentt Integration in LCI
At this time, the process/workflow to set up your Augmentt integration with LCI is as follows:
You will need to request that the integration is established in the LCI platform. To request the integration, log into LCI and go to Administration Integrations. Then click on the Augmentt tile (in the Supplemental Data section).
After clicking on the Augmentt tile, you will be redirected to the Integration Set up For Augmentt page. When on that page, click on the Request Augmentt Access to LCI button as shown below.
After clicking that button, you will receive a prompt dialog indicating that the integration has been requested. Click OK.
At this point, a ticket has been opened up with the Augmentt support team. Until the Augmentt Support team enables the integration, you will see the status is awaiting approval in LCI as shown below.
When the Augmentt Support team has been enabled the integration, they will provide LCI with the access information and we will update our platform to finalize the integration. At that point in time, LCI will notify the person that requested the integration that all is ready to go!
Once notified, you should take the following actions:
1. Log into LCI
2. Click on Administration Integrations
3. Click on the Augmentt tile. You will notice the message that you need to match Augmentt companies to LCI Companies. To perform the match, click on the Company Match tab.
4. Once in the Company Match tab, you will see a record per company Active in Augmentt. Select the corresponding company in LCI to complete the match. Do this for all companies you want brought into LCI. Note, any changes made will Auto Save.
Alternatively, you can use the Auto-matching feature to match your companies. Click the Auto Map Companies button to initiate the match.
The system will try to match any exact or near exact matching company names and match those accordingly.
When the auto-mapping is complete the companies that were matched are highlighted as green rows in the table.
The system attempts to find the most exact match for each company. Some companies with slight name differences may not auto-map. Please review the mapping to ensure that all desired companies are matched. A counter of auto-matched companies is provided at the top of the table listing.
Click the Save Automap button at the top of the table to save your selections.
5. Once your companies are matched, the Augmentt data will start syncing as part of your nightly build. If you want sync right away, you can click on the Integration Status/Request tab and click the Sync Now! button.