NinjaOne Integration

NinjaOne Integration *** EARLY ADOPTER MODE ***


The LCI NinjaOne Integration is available in Early Adopter Mode.  



LCI will allow you to configure NinjaOne as your primary integration source.   Specifically, we will sync Companies, End Users and Devices from NinjaOne to LCI.  At this point, we are in Early Adopter Mode - If you identify any issues, please contact LCI Support.


Note:  We cannot pull tickets from NinjaOne at this time.  Specfically, because the API endpoints for NinjaOne TICKETS do not support machine to machine authentication model (IE. It requires on-demand authentication code via logging into NinjaOne).


Setting up Lifecycle Insights for Ninja Data Integration

Total Estimated time: Less than 10 minutes

The purpose of this document is to instruct you how to configure both NinjaOne and Lifecycle Insights so that data integration can occur between the two platforms.  

This document is broken down into two sections.

  • NinjaOne Configuration
    • You will generate your API credentials
    • Optionally, you can set up global custom fields for warranty expiration and purchase date.
  • Lifecycle Insights Configuration
    • You will enter the API attributes into the NinjaOne Configuration panel in Lifecycle Insights


NinjaOne Configuration


Estimated Time: <5 minutes="minutes"></5>

You must log into your NinjaOne instance and generate an API key for use by Lifecycle Insights.  Please perform the following steps to do this:


1.  Log into you Ninja One Instance 

2.  Under Administration, expand Apps and select API


3.  Click on the Client App IDs tab and then select Add


4.  For Application Platform - choose API Services (machine-to-machine)

5.  For Name: Enter Lifecycle Insights (or similar)

6.  Leave Redirect URIs blank (its not required for this set up)

7.  For scope, select Monitoring and Management (Management is required for 2-way sync of Purchase and Warranty Exp Date)

8.  For Allowed Grant Types, choose Client Credentials

9.  Click Save

10.  IMPORTANT: Copy the secret key that pops up after hitting Save.  You will need this later.

11.  Next, copy the Client ID that is generated after you save the App.





At this point you should have the Client ID and Client Secret copied and set aside.  Please keep those as you will need to enter them into LCI.   Note:  You can always generate a new secret value by editing the App you just created.



Creating Global Custom Fields for Warranty Expiration Date and Purchase Date.

If you want LCI to write back the Warranty Expiration Date and/or Purchase Date to NinjaOne for assets of which we perform warranty lookups, you will need to create Device Global Custom Fields.


The two Global Device Custom Fields are:  Warranty Expiration Date and Purchase Date


To add the Global Custom Fields in NinjaRMM:

1. Go to Administration Devices Global Custom Fields

2. Click Add Field

3. Enter the following information (Warranty Expiration Date)


Label: Warranty Expiration Date

Name: Keep default (warrantyExpirationDate)

Field Type: Date

-   Click Create

-   In the next screen that pops up, make sure Scripts is set to Read/Write

-   Click Save


Label: Purchase Date

Name: Keep default (purchaseDate)

Field Type: Date

-   Click Create

-   In the next screen that pops up, make sure Scripts is set to Read/Write

-   Click Save




You are ready to configure LCI!


Lifecycle Insights Configuration


Estimated time: <10 minutes="minutes"></10>


Now its time to configure the NinjaOne Integration with the Lifecycle Insights platform.  Please follow along below to set up the integration.


1.  Log into Lifecycle Insights

2.  Once logged in, notice the Left Navigation pane has an Integrations Option under Administration. Click on Integrations, and your main content pane will show the list of available integration sources.  Choose NinjaOne.



3.  Enter / Select the following information

  • Check NinjaOne Integration Active
  • Client ID (copied earlier)
  • Client Secret (copied earlier)
  • Sync Agent Devices (select to sync these devices)
  • Sync NMS Devices (select to sync these devices) 
  • Sync VM Devices (select to sync these devices)

4.  Click Save Settings

5.  After you Save your settings above, AS LONG AS NINJAONE INTEGRATION ACTIVE IS CHECKED, the initial sync will launch with NinjaOne.


Note:  Once the NinjaOne configuration is set up, it can take up to 1 hour for the initial data sync.  This delay only occurs on the initial sync.  You should receive an email once the initial sync is complete.  The email will provide instructions on the next steps!

Once your initial sync has completed you will need to take the following steps to setup the Warranty Lookup and Writeback configuration for NinjaOne: 

1. Log into Lifecycle Insights

2. Go to Administration  Integrations

3. Click on Warranty Lookups

4. Check the boxes to indicate that you want to write back Purchase and/or Warranty Expiration date

5. Specify the name of the custom fields you created in NinjaOne

6. Click Save Settings in the top title bar