Why Can't I Find My Assets?

The purpose of this article is to outline the most common reasons why Assets might not be visible in LCI.


The Asset may does not exist in the system you are syncing to LCI

First, please confirm that the asset exists in the system syncing to LCI.  We have seen scenarios where the asset exists in an RMM, but has not moved over to the PSA or IT Documentations system that is actually syncing with LCI.


The Asset was recently added to the system that you are syncing to LCI 

We attempt to refresh data from your primary integration source once daily.  If the asset was added to your primary integration source since the last successful sync with LCI, you will need to run an on-demand sync or wait for the next automated sync to run.


The Data Sync between LCI and your primary integration source is failing  

Please ensure the sync with your primary integration source is successful.  You can check the sync activity either by using Data Sync Manager or by going to Administration Integrations <> Log tab.<></></>


The Asset was flagged as Hidden in the Asset List

In the Asset List, users have the ability to mark any assets as 'Hide in Reporting.'  When assets are flagged as hidden, they are only available in the Asset List when 'Show Only Hidden Assets' option is selected in the dropdown list.



The Asset was Physically Deleted in your Primary Integration Source

After each successful sync with your primary integration source, LCI runs a detection algorithm to determine any assets that might have been deleted in the primary integration source.  We do this by comparing ID's that we currently have vs ID's that currently exist in the source system.  If LCI finds an Asset ID that no longer exists in the source, we flag that asset as deleted in LCI.  Once an asset is flagged as deleted, it will no longer show in LCI anywhere.


The Asset was Archived in your Primary Integration Source

Some source systems (PSAs, IT Documentation Platforms, RMMs) don't physically delete items - but instead they archive the.  We refer to this as a soft deletion.  In this case (when an asset is archived in the Integration Source), LCI flags the asset as deleted in LCI.  Once an asset is flagged as deleted, it will no longer show in LCI anywhere. 


The Asset was Deleted in LCI via the Asset List Batch Update function

In LCI, the Asset List has a batch update function that allows user/s to delete assets (Editing Assets in Bulk).   When a user specifies to delete asset/s using the Asset List Batch Update function, LCI flags the asset as deleted in LCI.  Once an asset is flagged as deleted, it will no longer show in LCI anywhere. 


The Asset is associated with a Status in the Source System that is configured in LCI as 'Not Active'

You have the ability to control which Asset Statuses are visible in LCI via Administration Integrations <> Asset Status tab.  For example, in the example below... LCI will only show assets that have a status of 'Active' from the primary integration source.


The Asset is associated with an Asset Type that is flagged to be Ignored in LCI

In LCI... Source Configuration/Asset Types are mapped to LCI Asset Types.  You have the ability to map a source configuration type to an LCI Asset type of 'Ignore.'   If an asset is associated to a source configuration type that is mapped to an LCI Asset Type of Ignore, then that asset will not show in LCI.  This mapping is done via: Administration Integrations <> Asset Mapping tab<>


In the example below, any assets associated with configuration types: Veeam - VAC Settings and Veeam Managed Computer will not show in LCI.