Adding new or modifying asset types

The asset type in Lifecycle Insights is important for several reasons:

1) You are able to set Global or Company specific defaults based on asset type.

2) Reporting and filtering is based on the asset type.

3) For data quality scores, you can decide to ignore missing data for specified asset types

These are things to keep in mind as you consider the asset types you might want to include.

To add a new asset type or modify an existing asset type, click into Account Settings under the Administration tab.

Choose the Asset Type Policies tile

account settings with asset type policies selected

Modify an existing asset type:

Click into the asset type in the left hand column.

asset type policies with network equipment selected

A modal will pop up where you can edit the name as well as any of the defaults such as replacement cost, lifespan, approaching time period and approaching time period warranty.

Under General Settings, you will have the ability to set general policy settings for the specific asset type as it relates to:

  • Asset Type Name
  • Default Replacement Cost - Each asset associated to the asset type will get this value as the default replacement cost.  
  • Default Lifespan (in Months) - Enter the number of months an asset should be used in service.  By default, the EOL date for the asset will set by adding the number of months specified here to the purchase date.
  • Default Approaching Time Period in Months (For EOL) - Enter the number of months prior to asset EOL date that you want us to show the asset as yellow/warning
  • Default Approaching Time Period in Months (For Warranty Expiration) -  Enter the number of months prior to the asset Warranty Expiration date that you want us to show the asset as yellow/warning.

Under Data Quality Settings, you will have the ability to Include / Exclude missing data in the Data Quality score for the specific asset type.

For instance, let's say you have an Asset Type for Software, and Warranty Expiration dates do not apply.  You could specify to NOT include missing warranty expiration dates for Software when calculating the Data Quality score.  You would do so by unchecking 'Include Missing Warranty Exp Date in Data Quality Score' for the Asset Type - Software.

After you have made your edits, click OK to return the Asset Type Manager page. Updates are immediate the next time you refresh any report in LCI!

NOTE: You can choose to set these Globally or per Company.

Add a new asset type:

Click on the "Add New Asset Type" button in the upper right hand corner.

add new button

Enter the details and click OK.

Now you can align Assets to your new Asset Type in the Asset Mapping Tab under the integrations tile for your PSA.  Click on Administration > Integrations; then click on the tile representing your primary integration.

asset mapping

This will now flow through to reporting.