Managing the Operating System End of Life Settings

LCI allows you to customize the End-of-Life Settings for the Operating System fields in the Lifecycle insights application.  This will help you set budget forecasts, create recommendations, and build business reviews that will more precisely fit your MSP business model.

For example:

Your business model does not support Windows 10 Home Edition. However, Microsoft’s published end of life date for this OS version is 2 years in the future.  These items currently show in your asset list as currently acceptable (“Green Light”).   You want to replace these units as soon as possible and would like your QBR’s to reflect this to your client.  You can now edit this EOL date to show these assets as past end of life (Red) in the reports and recommendations you deliver to your clients.

Current published Operating System end of life dates are listed in your dashboard.  These are the official end of support dates for these products as published by their manufacturers.  These dates are used to calculate the health state of the operating systems if your assets.  

You can change the end-of-life date, and the warning time-table for these by following the steps below:

  1. Select Administration > Account Settings from the left menu.
  2. Select the Manage OS EOL Tile from the menu, this will bring up the OS Listing window. 
  3. You can use type in a search item in the search box at the top of the menu or use the drop-down filter to help find the OS you want to manage.
  4. Once you have found the OS you want to manage, select the green “Edit” icon left of the asset name. 

  1. You can now change the EOL date and the warning date for the selected OS by typing the date or clicking the calendar and selecting the date.

End of Life Date:

  • Setting an EOL date to any previous date will set the OS status as Red.
  • Setting an EOL date to a date Within the warning period will set the OS                                                                      status as Yellow.

# Months Prior to EOL for Warning:

  • Used to set the time period prior to the EOL date that will show the asset as near EOL.
  • You can edit the warning period without changing the EOL date for earlier warning notifications to clients on your reports.

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated


  1. Click the Save button to save your changes and return to the OS EOL management window.
     OS listing will be ordered by status level and will be listed by color.