Dashboard Tiles - v2

The dashboard is designed to give you a quick and easy overview of the company statistics that are most integral to the QBR process.  The dashboard populates data for the company that is selected in the drop-down picker at the top of the screen (left side above the dashboard) 

The Missing Data Fields tile will give details about assets that are missing specific data. Click on the arrow icon next to the type of missing data you wish to review, and it will show in a pop out modal. You will be able to manage columns with the blue gear. This feature will be useful if you want to adjust the information you see especially for printing (see download icons in top right of modal).


Click the information icon in the upper right corner of the tile to view the setting information regarding asset type fields that are not scored for missing data

The Data Quality Score shows the percentage of data missing in each category. Clicking on the lightbulb icon will show details on how the scores are calculated.

Clicking the corresponding arrows for each data field will show a drill through window of the assets filtered that are missing this field data

Click the information icon in the upper right of the tile to show data quality score overview or a listing of exception items for health scoring.

Total technology debt represents all of the assets that have nearing or beyond end of life.  Click the drill through icon at the upper left of the tile to view these assets.  

End of Life Health is a graph rendering of the status of the company assets' EOL Health.  Clicking into any pie piece will open a window listing the assets in that health category.

Clicking into any of the bars will give you details on the assets in that category.

Use the budget forecast graph tile shows a snapshot view of contract and expiring asset as budget items forecasted out for the next 6 quarters. 

Click into the arrow in the top bar of the budget forecast tile to open the budget forecast window.  The window will show the current configuration settings for the company.  The budget forecast may not be set to quarterly.  This can be configured with the blue gear to adjust for printing.

The Tech Debt by Asset Type bar graph show the asset types and the cumulative replacement cost for expired or near end of life for each asset type.  Hover over a graph section to see a dollar breakout of the category and type.

Clicking into any column will filter assets based on the type chosen and open a drill through window to show those in the asset list.

If you have completed an assessment for this client, you will see the summary details. Hovering over a category will show a summary of the assessment items that are scored into the category.  To view the full assessment, click on the arrow icon in the title bar. Printing is then available.

View all of the published operating system end of life dates with the dashboard tile.  You can also customize these end-of-life dates with your own dates using the Account Settings menus. 

The "Links - Agendas and More" tile can be used to add valuable links to the dashboard for easy access.  

Link to the company website, published budget reports or any other important links to keep at your fingertips.   

Customizable for each company.  

The Recommendations tile shows recommendations grouped by status accomanied by the total dollar amount of the cat

Dashboard Filters.  Clicking the drill-through icon to take you to the recommendations planning board.  Click the "+" icon next to any category on the list to expand the category to show the individual recommendations.

The SmileBack CSAT Score tile shows a summary of the CSAT score from the selected company.  Use the date selector to select a scoring timeframe.  Clicking the drill-through icon will open the SmileBack Detail Report window.

The Assessment Event Score History tile shows the scoring history of assessment events performed.  Each template is also graphed by score historically so you can see improvements or declines in health or compliance.  Clicking the drill-through will take you to the Assessment Events window.

The Microsoft License Summary tile shows the Microsoft licenses sorted by type for the client.  The summary also provides usage statistics. 

The Microsoft Secure Score Tile shows a summary of the MS determined secure score for the selected company, along with a historical scoring graph to show progress over time.  Clicking the drill through will take you to the full MS Secure Score report window.

Filters can be applied to the dashboard tiles.  Applied filters will update all dashboard tile data real-time.  

To apply a filter, click the filter icon located in the upper-right corner of the dashboard.  

The filter ribbon will be displayed.  Use the drop-down menus to select your filters.  

The filter icon will now display as green, and the number of filters applied will also show.

Use the clear filters button to remove any filters.


You can hide the filter ribbon by clicking the filter icon.  This will not remove your filters.  Applied filters will be shown next to the filter icon and can be viewed by hovering over the shown filters.  

The Report Locker Tile shows all files added to the report locker in the past 30 days.  The Report locker tile has two available view, list view and status view.   

Use the layout selection icon to switch between list view and status view. 

Use the go to icon to click into the report locker to view, download, and manage your reports.

Customizing the Dashboard Tiles Layout

The dashboard tiles and their display order can be modified.  You can create custom dashboard view for yourself or if you are an administrator, you can modify the dashboard layouts for your security groups, as well as set a default view for all users.

The dashboard tiles can be rearranged and included/omitted to suit your preferences.  You can also customize tiles based on Security groups as well as setting a default view for your users.

If your security group does not allow for a tile, you will not be able to unhide these tiles when editing the dashboard tiles.

To edit the dashboard tiles, click the edit mode icon to customize your dashboard tiles.

In Edit mode, each tile will show two icons, the icon in the upper left is used to drag and drop the tile to a rearrange the dashboard

To change personal settings, simply drag and drop your tiles to arrange the order of appearance.  CLick the hide icon to hide any tiles you do not wish to see. 

Hidden tiles will be moved to the bottom of the dashboard partially shaded.  

Click Save at the top of the screen to save your changes. 

 If you have admin permissions in LCI you can change settings for a security group.  Click the Edit icon to open the edit mode.  

The security group drop-down list will be shown next to the edit mode icon.  

Click the drop-down list and select the security group you wish to edit.

Move or hide tiles accordingly for the group, then click Save to save the settings.

Hidden tiles will disappear if applicable when you click save to exit edit mode.

You can also set the default view for your tenant by selecting the Set Default Tenant group.  

This will edit the view for all users within your MSP and any security groups that do not have a specified view saved.  

Security groups with saved dashboard views will show in the list with an "overridden" tag displayed.