Customize Dashboard Tiles

Customizing the Dashboard Tiles Layout


The dashboard tiles and their display order can be modified.  You can create custom dashboard view for yourself or if you are an administrator, you can modify the dashboard layouts for your security groups, as well as set a default view for all users.



The dashboard tiles can be rearranged and included/omitted to suit your preferences.  You can also customize tiles based on Security groups as well as setting a default view for your users.


If your security group does not allow for a tile, you will not be able to unhide these tiles when editing the dashboard tiles.


To edit the dashboard tiles, click the edit mode icon to customize your dashboard tiles.



In Edit mode, each tile will show two icons, the icon in the upper left is used to drag and drop the tile to a rearrange the dashboard



To change personal settings, simply drag and drop your tiles to arrange the order of appearance.  CLick the hide icon to hide any tiles you do not wish to see. 




Hidden tiles will be moved to the bottom of the dashboard partially shaded.  



Click Save at the top of the screen to save your changes. 




 If you have admin permissions in LCI you can change settings for a security group.  Click the Edit icon to open the edit mode.  


The security group drop-down list will be shown next to the edit mode icon.  



Click the drop-down list and select the security group you wish to edit.


Move or hide tiles accordingly for the group, then click Save to save the settings.

Hidden tiles will disappear if applicable when you click save to exit edit mode.


You can also set the default view for your tenant by selecting the Set Default Tenant group.  

This will edit the view for all users within your MSP and any security groups that do not have a specified view saved.  

Security groups with saved dashboard views will show in the list with an "overridden" tag displayed.