Recommendation Settings

In this article you will learn to set the lifecycle status of Recommendations as Proposed, Planned, In Progress, On Hold, or Completed, in addition to using terminology unique to your own MSP.

Click Account Settings

menu with Account Setting selected

Select Recommendation Settings:

- New statuses can be added by clicking "+Add New" 

- Status names may be changed by clicking in the Status column and changing the name,

- Status Order maybe changed by selecting the cross in the first column and dragging and dropping in the desired position

Click "Save Changes" after any additions or changes

+Add New selected, Status Position selected, Save Changes Selected

"Default Status" will be how each new recommendation will be classified

Status "State" will be "Not Started", "Started", "Completed" or "Declined" and will be used to help determine how Recommendations populate other pages 

Status Color can be chosen on the swatches by each status and will be used in the Customer Success Module, additionally, Recommendations with a status of "Completed" or "Declined" will not show by default in the budget. This can be changed in the budget settings.

"Other Settings" specifies Win Probability in a new recommendation and will default to 60%, but can be updated and saved on "Save Changes". The Probability will impact reporting in the Customer Success Module.

Select "Recommendations" from the left menu

Select a Recommendation:

- The dropdown menu here is controlled by the Recommendation Settings page in the admin menu

- "Planned" or "Proposed" will display the probability bar which can be changed by the MSP 

- If a Recommendation has been started or completed, the probability bar will not display