Recommendation Roadmap Reports


Our Recommendations Roadmap feature will show multiple companies and is exportable.

Expand the navigation pane and navigate to Recommendations Roadmap located in the MSP Reports section.

The Recommendations Roadmap table will automatically populate based on the reporting options selected. 
Click the "gear" icon to open the reporting options window.
You can select the Companies to display, Statuses, Priorities, Years to include, and Cost Types to include in your reporting table.
Use Shift and Ctrl keys to select multiple items in each selection pane.   Click Close when you have made your selections. 
Once you have your report table configured, you can click the export icon in the upper right to create a docx or pdf file for presentation. 
You can download the file, or download and save the file to your report locker. 


Click Download or Download and Save to Locker to begin the export.  


The system will generate the report in the background.  A banner will be displayed at the top of your window while the report is generating.   You can click the dismiss button to exit the message banner.  You can also navigate to other areas of the application without affecting your file download


When your download is completed, you will see the message banner below.  At this point your file is available, you can click the dismiss button on the message banner to close