Customer Success - Insights

Lifecycle Insights now includes and Insights management console available as part of our Customer Success services. 

Customer Success Insights is designed to deliver summarized data gathered from other areas within the application for each of your clients.   This will give you insights into the status, health and momentum of each of your clients.  This will help you understand the client health, account activity, and relationship conditions. The available filters and tools can narrow the data down enough to make it digestible and give you insights into your business activities and partner relationships. 


How to use the Insights report feature


From the navigation pane, select the Customer Success module, click the Insights page link under the Mangement section of the navigation menu.





The Insights Data Table

The Insights table is comprised of data columns designed to show you the current status of your customer relationships.  The table pulls in data from recommendation statuses, business review scoring data, health and effort scores, and more data points.   




Use the search bar to search feature to find data more quickly within the table. 




Filters will also help you find your most relevant data.  Use the available filters to select your criteria for viewing such as Account Manager or Segment.





Use the Tags filter to view companies with the assigned tags that are selected in the tags filter.  You can also click a tag showing under the company name in the table to add that tag to the filter. 



The Mange Column selector will allow you to select the specific columns you want to view.  Use the checkboxes to select or deselect the table columns. 




Insights Table Data


The Insights table contains data that is pulled from other areas of the platform.  These data points, sources, and usage are described in detail in this section. 


Company Name - The name of each client in your vCIO integrated companies.

Next Meeting Date - This data is pulled from the Business Review module in LCI.  The next meeting date shows the next upcoming meeting date for any meeting that is scheduled that is not set to a status of completed or cancelled. 



Last Meeting Date - This data is pulled from the Business Review module in LCI.  The last meeting date shows the last meeting date for any meeting that is set to a status of completed. 





Last Meeting Score - shows the Business Review Standards score of the last meeting scored based on the scheduled date of the meeting. 



Business Review Score Delta - This column reflects the change in Business Review Scoring between the Last Meeting Business Review Score and the meeting prior. 




Account Managers - Shows the account manager assigned to the company based on account group/manager assignments configured in Customer Success. 


Company Effort - Displays the company effort score from the Customer Detail profile in the Customer Success platform. 


Company Health - Displays the company health score from the Customer Detail profile in the Customer Success platform. 


Segment - Shows the segment assignment of the company based on the assigned segment calculation assigned in the Customer Sucess profile.


Total Tech Debt - Calculated total replacement cost of currently past end of life assets for the company.


# Of Completed Recommendations - Shows the number of recommendations with a completed status within the selected time period of the Insights data table.                                                                                                                                                                                                             

$ Completed Recommendations Total Cost - Displays the associated cost of recommendations completed within the selected time period of the insights data table.


# Of Declined Recommendations - Shows the number of recommendations with a declined status within the selected time period of the Insights data table. 


$ Of Declined Recommendations Total Cost -  Displays the associated cost of recommendations declined within the selected time period of the insights data table. 


# Of Recommendations Not Sarted - Shows the number of recommendations with a not started status within the selected time period of the Insights data table.  


$ Recommendations Not Started Total Cost - Displays the associated cost of recommendations not started within the selected time period of the insights data table. 


# Of Recommendations Started - Shows the number of recommendations with an in-progress status within the selected time period of the Insights data table.  


$ Of Recommendations Started Total Cost - Displays the associated cost of recommendations with an in-progress status within the selected time period of the insights data table. 


Business Review Score History - Graph display of Business Review Standards Score history within the selected time period of the insights data table.


Did the Decision Maker Show? - Business Review Standards Score question most recent response.

Did We Meet on Cadence? - Business Review Standards Score question most recent response. 

Did Recommendations get accepted? - Business Review Standards Score question most recent response. 

Did stack alignment improve? - Business Review Standards Score question most recent response. 


You can export the Insights table data to a .CSV file, PDF document, or MS Word document.  Click the Report icon in the upper right corner of the Insights window. 



The PDF and Word doc exports can also be dowloaded to your report locker for future reference.