Lifecycle Insights now includes a Goals Reporting section that will allow you to track your client's goals. Goals reporting will ensure you are helping your customers grow and thrive while also strengthening your relationship with your clients as you work together to achieve their goals.
The Goals report module can be configured to show goals sorted by the assigned tags or sorted by company.
To switch views, look for the Swap button at the top of the report window.
The Tags View
When the Goals report page is set to view by tags, each Goal Tag is listed vertically in the table. Click the expansion arrow to show the details of the goals associated with the tag.
Each goal and the company associated with the goal will show under the tag heading. You will also see the number of linked tasks, recommendations and contracts for each goal along with a completion percentage.
Use the Filter by Tags selector to filter your report to specific tag(s) you wish to view.
The Companies View
When the Goals report page is set to view by companies each company is listed vertically in the table. Click the expansion arrow to show the details of the goals for the company you want to view.
Each goal will show under the company heading. You will also see the number of linked tasks, recommendations and contracts for each goal along with a completion percentage.
Page selectors and rows per page selectors are available at the bottom of the report window.